Tech Notes
Requesting Information
For more information about replacement parts for Laurell products in the field, or to request an operator's manual or request general support, please visit the Support page.
Any other questions or requests can be addressed directly to
customer support.
NEW RELEASE — Spin 3000 software ver. 1.05.09
This version allows foreign language users to administratively login, handling multiple Spin Processors connected simultaneously, and limits the maximum number of permissible processes on a sheet to the associated maximum number of spin processor programs. It is compatible with Bluetooth and legacy 650 systems.
NEW RELEASE — Spin 3000 software ver. 1.05.07
This version allows Spin 3000 to use COM ports 10 and higher, and is compatible with legacy 650 systems.
Other software revisions addressed:
- This version fixes crashing issues on some Windows 7 systems when Spin 3000 starts and a RS-232 USB adapter is not installed
- Improves uploading of programs from the controller to a PC
- Revision addresses a software failure when 3 or more programs are entered with identical 10-character names
- Improved software capabilities such as:
- Remote running from PC
- Run record function
- Copy notebook (useful for copying programs from one spin processor to another)
- Queries OS for available COM ports
- Import record file capability with auto-loop detection (requires WS-650 firmware 47000020d/47000022d or higher)
- Prevent crashing when right-clicking on table headings
- Mousewheel sheet movements
- Data entry issues on "Configure Spin Processor" Dialog
- Resetting range issue for speed & acceleration
Note to Porous Chuck Users
Cleaning the High Porosity Insert
The insert can be cleaned by wiping with an acetone wetted wipe, or in severe cases,
the insert can be removed and soaked in acetone (we recommend no longer than 1-2 hours).
If any other solvent is used, we recommend the same guidelines.
Soak the insert, then rinse in an appropriate rinsing solution and blow dry
with high pressure N2.
Lid Tension Adjustment for all
WS-650-23, 8, 15 and EDC models
Information, instructions and adjustment kit, P/N 10090166, is available for any user who wishes to adjust the lid tension. Adjustments can be made to loosen or tighten lid opening/closing tension.
Newest firmware version for Spin 3000/650 controller
Version 47000022o is available.
This new firmware:
- Allows for easier valve identification when running in the EDIT mode.
Other firmware revisions address:
650 Intermittent or Continuous Scrolling Display
If your 650's screen on occasion, or just constantly, scrolls, there may be a simple solution. Just contact Laurell Support and report the serial number and "650 scrolling problem" and we'll tell you how to quickly rectify it.
ADVISORY Installing Spin 3000 software
Users having issues installing Spin 3000 are advised to follow best practices when installing this (or any) software.
- 1. Close all currently running applications
- 2. Verify computer's color setting is set to 32 bit. Use medium to maximum resolution.
- 3. Disable any running anti-virus software
- 4. Right-click the installer and Run As Administrator (especially on Windows 7/Vista)
- 5. Complete software installation
- 6. Re-enable anti-virus software
- 7. Restart the system & run application on subsequent startup
Note to UD-1 Users:
If experiencing suck back control problems, add a small 006 o-ring between the speed control valve and the UD's body. Tighten the spin control valve firmly.
Note to customer regarding uniformity tolerance
Question: Does Laurell quote a uniformity tolerance for its spin processors?
Answer: We do not quote a uniformity tolerance for our Spin Coaters. We have many customers, in academia and industry, who are spin coating many different materials using our spin processors. Uniformity is not just a function of the processor itself. Uniformity is the result of understanding and controlling all the variables that occur during and after the coating process. As the process engineer or researcher, you need to develop a coat recipe that works well with your material.<
The viscosity of your material will dictate the structure of your program, e.g., if it is thin material, dispense spin speed may be faster than it would be for thick material. Dispense technique will also impact uniformity. Are you using static dispense or dynamic dispense? If dynamic dispense is being used, how is the material being applied to the substrate? What is the distance between the nozzle and the substrate? What is the size of the nozzle? Is the nozzle clean? Is the chuck level? Is the room environment controlled (i.e., temperature, humidity, air flow, exhaust, etc.)? What is the temperature uniformity of your hot plate or oven? This is just a small sample of the many variables that affect coating uniformity.
As an example of what you can achieve with proper programming, control, and set-up, a professor at a major U.S. university was able to achieve 80Å uniformity across a 100mm Si wafer with 1-2µm of photoresist.
Our tool can achieve excellent uniformity with the proper understanding and execution of spin coating.
Redesigned diffuser valve stem, P/N 11010548 Rev. B
This redesign addresses:
- Improved dome rinsing and clearing
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